Air Conditioners Articles

5 Common AC Problems

May 30, 2024
5 Common AC Problems. AC Unit and screw driver

When your air conditioner (AC) is running at peak efficiency, you win.

Not only will your electric bills in Ohio be cheaper––your AC system will last longer. Plus, your equipment will be operating at its best, so you will experience maximum comfort.

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AC Maintenance Checklist

April 23, 2024
AC Masintenance Checklist. Portrait of a cheerful man using smart phone at home office.

Can you imagine a scorching hot day here in Miamisburg without air conditioning? During those dog days of summer, your air conditioning system can be your very best friend.

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5 Ways to Save Money on Your AC and Summer Energy Bill

March 29, 2024
5 Ways to Save Money on Your AC and Summer Energy Bill. air conditioning dollars winding money concept background business composition on isolate.

We understand high energy bills are sometimes unavoidable when air conditioning is crucial for comfort during the hot months. That’s why our five simple tips for staying cool and using your air conditioner (AC) less may help you cut costs and save money on your monthly energy bill.

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Air Conditioning Noise Concerns

August 31, 2023
Air Conditioning Noise Concerns - Relaxed peaceful young mother and little daughter doing yoga exercises.

Very few central air conditioners (AC) are whisper-silent. A certain amount of noise coming from your ductwork is not uncommon.

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When Do I Replace My Air Conditioner?

July 31, 2023
When Do I Replace My Air Conditioner? Woman on the phone attempting to cool herself with a fan.

Sometimes, life moves incredibly fast. You could have sworn you just bought your air conditioner. But lately, it doesn’t seem to be working so well. You check the box and are shocked to find out you’ve had it for a decade. Where did the time go?

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How Does an Air Conditioner Work?

May 11, 2023
AC unit outside of a brick house with a pink flower next to it.

As a homeowner here in Ohio, it’s always a good idea to learn as much as you can about your appliances. That means knowing their basic operations, what features are included, and if any necessary upkeep is involved. Needless to say, this is no exception for your air conditioning (AC) unit.

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